It never rains,it pours.And if you seem to have walked to some place with a neverending pouring rain,welcome to my life.
It seems that all my endeavours,are either going down the drain,thrown out of the window,flushed down the toilet.... get my point.When everything goes wrong and nothing seems to go right,what do you do?Someone please save my ass,cause i'm wallowing in this sea of self pity.Right now i realise why people have a tendency to blame it on fate and all that crap and then sweep their hands and say there's nothing i can do.And i'm beginning to feel guilt as temptation to do the same takes over.
Life is pretty much screwed up.To further support that statement,i shall attempt to paint a picture that's not too distorted or fugly that i saw on my way home.Walking that same old path home,i saw a funeral.What's the big deal bout a funeral you ask?Well i sorta noticed people gambling,drinking and in short,making merry.And then you might ask whats the big deal,people do that all the time.And my answer to that is because today i suddenly had an epiphany.My thought drifted and then i began to wonder to myself,why the hell are people making merry when someone's dead.It makes no sense at all,at least to me.I mean for christ's sake,or allah's sake or guanyinma's sake,it's a funeral and someone just died.The least a person can do is to at least pretend to be sad if he's a stranger to you.
Okay i'm just venting my emotions on unrelated stuf,pardon me for making you read this shit.I'm gonna hit the showers now and put an end to this day of mine.
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